[cryptography] Military chip crypto cracked with power-analysis probe

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Wed Jul 27 22:58:07 PDT 2011

Jeffrey Walton <noloader at gmail.com> writes:


That's a really, really misleading tagline.  They've successfully attacked the 
bitstream encryption for Xilinx FPGAs, and while some of those are used by the 
military, they're also used in vast numbers of other things.  In addition 
recovering the bitstream doesn't help you break any crypto the military may 
have implemented in the FPGA.

I guess "Tamagotchi encryption cracked"[0] doesn't make as good a headline.


[0] Yeah, I know, technically they use an ASIC not an FPGA.  Insert the name 
    of some no-consequence FPGA-using toy here.
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