[Freedombox-discuss] Serval BatPhone Developer Release 0.07 is out

Paul Gardner-Stephen paul at servalproject.org
Thu Dec 15 01:01:56 PST 2011

Hi all,

Just a heads up that the next developer release of the Serval BatPhone
software is out!

Head to the Software Page
http://developer.servalproject.org/site/?page_id=644 for downloading,
or search for Serval on the Android Marketplace.

The following features have been added since Release 0.06:
b" Automatic Wi-Fi chipset detection process that tries to guess how to
put you phone into adhoc mode. This should now work with most rooted
b" New screen for displaying the progress of tasks we have to do on install.

The following bugs have been fixed since Release 0.06:
b" 0000002: Handset auto-detection needs fixing
b" 0000029: Wifi clients may drop broadcast packets
b" 0000098: Preparing information sent back to project for display
b" 0000127: java.lang.NullPointerException :
b" 0000131: When operating in AP-Client modes, AP cannot be called
b" 0000141: Experimental scripts may be run and crash the software (or
phone) on install
b" 0000145: Call to node A fails second time after call to node B on
three node network
b" 0000147: Adhoc edify interpreter needs rebuilding  so that we can
use "generic" wifi driver loading
b" Stopped DNA from corrupting its data file and crashing which would
leave the phone unreachable (General root cause of several other

Bugs can be viewed in more detail via our bug tracker at
http://developer.servalproject.org/mantis/. Registration is required
to access the bug tracker.

Any questions or issues can be posted to us here, or bugs entered into
the bug tracker. As always, we are incredibly grateful for the support
of the Serval developer community!

Paul & The Serval Project Team.

Freedombox-discuss mailing list
Freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org

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