Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies

John Young jya at
Thu Aug 11 15:12:12 PDT 2011

European and other nations have long provided private data
to US spies under secret sharing agreements. Their protests
are nonsense. Hearings on these violations of their citizens
and subjects seldom do more than issue demands that the
practices stop but do not order action to truly stop them. 

The reason is that the US (and its contractors) supplies the 
other nations with data on their citizens and subjects as 
well as funding and technology for homeland spying.
Blaming the hegemon-of-choice is obligatory strut.

And most importantly spies do not have to obey laws 
anywhere and provide exculpation for their mercenaries.

This is a global practice not invented in the US, indeed
it might be argued that the US is slightly less jaded
than other nations who have betrayed in secret fashions 
developed over millennia -- way before laws were confected
to bless official crime to fight threats to hegemons.

US hegemons will not be penalized nor lose customers
because alternatives are no more trustworthy. Check 
the gov-protected monopolies cum oligarchies that 
dominate Euro, Asian, African South American
countries which adopted Echelon as home brew
either by treaty or by unilateral corporatism -- the
path most favored by unregulated billionaires more 
numerous elsewhere than the US. And they all
have spy operations coupled to governments. They
all believe the USG is constitutionally delusional.

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