[FoRK] NarcoGliders, was: Re: Narco Subs - The Triumph of Capitalism

Damien Morton dmorton at bitfurnace.com
Fri Apr 8 01:39:24 PDT 2011

Magnesium seawater battery - its pretty much bronze age techmology -

<http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/191_IR/chap_03/c3_5.htm>Can melt down
alloy car wheels for a start. Otherwise AZ61 alloy is hardly a controlled
substance. Only other thing you need is  twisted wire titanium brushes with
carbon fiber bristles. Easily made in some South Asian sweatshop, with
barely a record kept.

The electronics is the tricky stuff, but once you get the first one working,
replicating to 1000s is easy enough. Again, south asian sweatshops, or
buying a middle tier chinese RC toy maker isnt out of reach for the South
American combinas.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Stephen Williams <sdw at lig.net> wrote:

> Really 'game over' if our southern businessmen build NarcoGliders...
> No external propellers or emissions of any kind, potential for total
> silence, super efficient long range, easy antenna raising, great depth...
> http://www.zdnet.com/blog/government/5-insanely-cool-robots-youll-desperately-want-but-never-be-able-to-afford/10247?pg=2
> How many of these have been sold in South America?
> Anyway, go iRobot!
> On 4/2/11 6:43 PM, Stephen Williams wrote:
>> On 4/2/11 6:08 PM, Damien Morton wrote:
>>> When these guys get really smart and start churning out thousands bathtub
>>> sized robosubs powered by magnesium seawater batteries, it truly is
>>> game-over. Until then, its WW2 tech all the way.
>>> What the fuck do you do when invaded by swarms of 1000s of silent
>>> robosubs
>>> bearing 50kg of cocaine, swimming up your rivers, your drainage outlets,
>>> your harbours, and your god-damned toilets.
>> You change the economics...  If they're delivering fresh papaya and
>> coffee, it wouldn't be so bad would it?  ;-)  And we could send back iPads
>> to be good recyclers.  If you don't change the economics, then you have to
>> live with the fact that you're always going to be outnumbered and outsmarted
>> by the SillyNarco Valley "startups" of the _deep_ South.
> sdw
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