Jim Bell Out of Prison with a Request

Steve Thompson steve49152 at yahoo.ca
Thu Jan 7 18:22:02 PST 2010

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 10:48:05AM -0500, John Young wrote:
> Jim has written voluminously on his inventions, and reportedly
> sent copies to a slew of parties at gov, com, edu and others.
> The feds severely limited Jim's contact with outsiders so who
> knows what got past the censors, in its original form, as
> entrapment, or at all.
> The stuff on greenhouse vaporware is one of a bunch of other
> apps.
> It would seem Jim is building a foundation for being a constructive
> member of society, not Associated Press.
> No benefit to speaking about cutting edge jailhouse encoding and
> obfuscation, nor subdermal RFID.

Say hi to Jim for me, and even though I did not know him very well I
remember his AP paper and read it with great interest.  Sometimes I
chuckle when I happen upon one of his posts in the cypherpunks list
archives from the 1990s.  Things aren't so much different today from
those days in relation to global hegemony of big business and
irresponsible government.  Tell Jim that I wish him well and that I
support his right to express his opinions to whomever wants to hear
them.  He's an ideas man and should be able to contribute whatever he
can to the store of human knowledge, as much as anyone else can.



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