OT: Mixmaster

xlon at Safe-mail.net xlon at Safe-mail.net
Tue Dec 21 11:22:40 PST 2010

Hello List,

I've been mulling over the wisdom of sending this message, finally decided it was the right thing to do.

I would like to request that those of you who so generously donate their time and bandwidth running a Tor node to consider also running an instance of that old and venerable ancestor of Tor, mixmaster.  With its long and fabled history and stellar record in protecting the anonymity of users, it is a perfect high-latency compliment to Tor's low-latency focus.

While development has been negligible over the last few years, the network is still strong and serves the community well.  Recently some very simple client software has been developed, making accessibility to the masses much more possible than it has been in the past.

If anybody is so inclined, mixmaster may be found at
Documentation is included, though much more may be found on the Web.
A mailing list for mixmaster operators may be found at

Thank you for your consideration,
A Fan of Low-Latency
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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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