The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning's detention

John Young jya at
Wed Dec 15 08:23:52 PST 2010

Greenwald is a humorist at best, and a publicist at worst, a trained
shark advocating his client's interest by the media. Same as those
shilling for Assange to promote their services -- which never involve
going to jail and discomfort except when attention wane. A full-blown, 
no pun, Media Ho.

Military brigs are that, not civilian prisons, not movies and pederastic
fantasies. Their regulations are online, including that for Quantico 
Marine Brig, nothing secret about them. Glenn seems not to have read 
the regs, or found them too inmate-considerate and is lying as trained 
to do.

Manning is not in the kind of comical isolation Greenwald hoots. He
receives regular visits from his family and his legal team. He sees 
medical staff, janitorial staff, guards and their overseers, the military 
legal team and its Inspector General. Visits from gawking officers 
and civilians eyeing the celebrity inmate to be sure there will be no
grounds for neglect or abuse, which is media-driven defense SOP.

What Manning luckily avoids is guard duty, kitchen police, vile MREs 
and miscooked slop,  foot and crotch rot, lice, bedbugs and scabies,
STDs if fatihful to his hands and does not pig-kiss the guards for
favors, parades and field marches and bivouacs, getting coffee 
for his hung-over officers, enduring homophobes, unit inspections, 
armaments practice, stenching squad rooms, sadistic harassment by 
non-com and officer lifers, sand storms and leaking and muddy tent 
cities, burning fecal waste and scrubbing latrines, dropping the soap 
taunts, incoming fire and IEDs, trooper drunks, thieves, rapists, 
murderers, smokers and weightlifters. Visiting generals and 
politicians, inane work and toxic working conditions, on and on, 

kind of like what Glenn experienced in torturous law school, 
slave-driving law firm and neurotic love shack in Brazil.

This is not to suggest that Manning should not be out of jail,
but is threatened by those who want him there for their own
purposes, his supporters and opponents. To them he is more 
valuable outside than in to these predators as Assange now 

Manning and Assange share the ambition for jail time as
premium PR, both have bragged about that, claim to have 
studied the success of a long-line of role models. Manning
confessed to Lamo with that in mind. Did Assange use the
women for that, nah, too obvious. 

The trials will be shows of prolonged ecstacy among the
hordes, uh, Hos.

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