key escrow: no news is bad news ?

John Young jya at
Sun Oct 4 05:01:03 PDT 2009

It may be that the methods Eugene cites are diversions
to discourage looking too close at what is hidden in encryption

Public key escrow probably morphed into the usual secret
government arrangements with comsec suppliers.

Nothing encourages greater use of crypto than to believe
it is secure, says those who laugh at how easy it is to foster
faith in prayerful mathematics and cold dead hands.

Meanwhile the secret keepers remain at maximum paranoia
and make sure their bosses are too, to keep the endless
bounty of research and counterintelligence funds coming.

The hoohah the last few days about DoD ramping up even
more its aggression against "cyber-security" attacks indicates
that the spies cannot ever be too suspicious that somebody
is out hoodwinking their hoodwink. Best to spy at home
especially where the "best" inventors and implementors are
dreaming of a lottery win.

Enlisting crypto programmers and suppliers in the booty-fest
is as simple as offering irresistable contracts, lipsticked with
patriotism and rouged with being among the "smartest people
in the world," not overlook lifetime economic security --
just as outlined in contract soliticitations and recruiting ads
for NSA and CIA. The spies' retirement fund is as sweet as

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