[WIKILEAKS] Nuclear accident in Iran may lay behind mystery resignation

Wikileaks Press Office press-office at wikileaks.org
Thu Jul 16 15:14:27 PDT 2009


Thu Jul 16 23:03:02 GST 2009

"Nuclear accident in Iran may lay behind mystery resignation"

Two weeks ago, a source associated with Iran's nuclear programme
confidentially told WikiLeaks of a serious, recent, concealed nuclear
accident at Natanz. Natanz is the primary location of Iran's
nuclear enrichment program.

We have reason to believe the source was credible however contact
with this source has been lost.

We would not normally mention such an incident without additional
confirmation, however according to Iranian media and the BBC, today
the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh
has resigned under mysterious circumstances. According to
reports, the resignation was tendered around 20 days ago.

Contact: wl-iran at ljsf.org 

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