Re: Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year

coderman coderman at
Mon Dec 7 08:34:20 PST 2009

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at> wrote:
> ...
> What need would LEAs have to do a voicemail pass code reset on a
> customer without that customer's consent? Is it a "mess with their
> heads" move?

the stated need is to access voice mail that may be stored in a
customer's account prior to a tap in place. in such instances access
to existing recordings require a passcode reset so LE can access, with
the side effect of this activity becoming known to subject. (if they
assume it is LE and not some random glitch, of course :)

perhaps this info is out of date and stored messages are now easily
accessible via other mechanisms; it seems an odd constraint...

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