Re: Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year

coderman coderman at
Sun Dec 6 19:45:52 PST 2009

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 8:08 AM, coderman <coderman at> wrote:
> ...
> what two examples of lawful intercept on Verizon lines would introduce
> a subtle "change in service" detectable by someone paying attention?

based on the recently released a couple ideas include:

"surveillance cameras on utility poles" (page 14) though on page 16
the discussion seems to imply that verizon will only provide network
access to the camera placed there by LE and using verizon right of way
/ poles / facilities.

and "Voicemail pass code reset" would definitely be visible to a
customer. (same for sprint)

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