The friend in your pants will raise his head up.

Ronny Luna organistsxn68 at
Sun Apr 26 00:22:19 PDT 2009

one more thought about best friends

i had a really tumultuous teenager-hood i was a happy and smart little kid it was surprising when so much angst welled up inside me 

remember how i was so proud that my room was clean and i was knitting well i still am 

i think they are so cute i love her litte handwriting and she is beyond excited to pass them out some other projects she and i looked at but didnt get around to (of course) from martha (of course)

it made me happy

i spent a few hours organizing my yarn and needles into that armoire 

im loving babies & mamas sunshine happy rooms and cool colors

what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you

from toast

i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)

again happy things

she is my best babysitter for cate she takes turns with me putting cate to bed and being her pillow 

i swear nothing makes me happier than a peaceful space and some needles 

when cate is too scared to go downstairs penny will go with her and everything is all right she lets cate dress her up for weddings or try to ride her or pull her by the tail almost daily and even knowing the torture she will soon endure she gets so excited when cate gets home from school

ready to share the love

my problem dear anne is that it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the trouble of making up stories about lost broaches to be able to go to a silly church picnic in my mind the little girls are wearing spring dresses and holding parasols with their gloved hands while the boys are eating biscuits and drinking homemade rootbeer with their hats and suspenders on but i live in a dreamland where i want everything stylized i know you understand me anne

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