A Week at IKEA

Erin Huynh automatesq68 at istrijan.com
Wed Apr 22 23:10:48 PDT 2009

different boyfriends came and went through all this some i thought i could marry some i was mad at myself for hanging around some that broke my heart 

refined sugar will be your enemy till you die

off to the kindergarten valentines day party

guess what i finally put in the shop

we lived on a corner in a typical oc tract neighborhood 

one thing i enjoy about facebook is the old pictures that friends and fam upload to walk down memory lane together with you 

but let me tell you thats not how it will really go i imagine most kids will want to stay home and play computer games but their moms will make them come and so theyll grudgingly put on a some church pants and skirts so i was wondering if you could help me know how to bring the romance back into our modern life its not really that important no matter the dress or the menu we just want the kids to come to feel the spirit of the temple but its like you said anne when you dont use your imagination to make life beautiful how much you miss

cate did you love disney games on the computer when you were five

cate (incredulously) what were you a child of adam and eve

what do you look for in a best friend

remember when the weather was warm and we would go to the park when daddy got home from work and we would bring homemade bread and fruit to eat for dinner and we would be drenched in golden light and the cousins would come meet us for some wild rides down the slide 

it made me happy

feeling so inspired

she is my best babysitter for cate she takes turns with me putting cate to bed and being her pillow 

i know some people dont love the whole valentines thing but it is so fun to me i dont care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty treated with sweetness have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book

im loving babies & mamas sunshine happy rooms and cool colors

acre of land is my favorite song of his 

and then that got me thinking that really its not just while laying in bed that she is watching out for me 

i will i will i will please hold me accountable if you dont see the results posted next week the inspiration pieces

a few months in the life of this infertile girl

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