A pimple,two pimples,three pimples, They do not leave you, Repulse them!

Federico Dunham impugnsid5 at lartedivivere.com
Wed Apr 22 15:34:25 PDT 2009

and the dishes she cleans for me i dont even have to rinse before putting things in the dishwasher anymore and how warm she keeps my toesies while im sitting at the desk working on the computer who needs slippers it seems her only desire in life is to be close to us and all she asks for is an occasional pet and some food and water truly my lowest maintenance friend

all day the kids hung out at that corner played on that grass got drinks out of that hose went through the secret passage way in the juniper bushes and only left the area to go around the block over and over again sometimes it was on bikes with banana seats sometimes roller skates sometimes big wheels sometimes walking even occasionally on skateboards with cardboard boxes on them (our cars) 

i spent a few hours organizing my yarn and needles into that armoire 

and then i realized i love her so much

one of my resolutions for 2009 was to stop ignoring the etsy shop and to not spin my wheels all day (these two problems are very related) i am the queen of walking in circles around the house and not really getting anything accomplished i wouldnt care except for that it drives me nuts part of the problem is my insomniatic nights which leave me only half there during the day times ( which then leads to high caffeine consumption) so i decided step one is to get good nights sleeps i am trying to change my night time routine to a peaceful herbal tea quiet inspiration seeking few hours it helps if i keep our room clean and the sheets freshly washed and calming reading more- tv less- at night is a goal then hopefully my days will be a little more with it because i hate wasting time

it was the first time i realized that things dont always go how you think they will and that it all can turn out better than you imagined

i was born in orange county where my parents had lived in the same house for like 20 years they had both lived in so cal all their lives 

let me explain Buoy

and i think im done cutting kits for a while

Taking the valentines happy girl

1 luce 2 Untitled 3 Working 4 Stove Top

ok its hard to stop i love every song

like this one for instance my older brother uploaded it while reminiscing about the old buggie he rebuilt in the 80s 

(but honestly i dont snack alot when you eat so much protein you dont get hungry as often through the day)

she is my best babysitter for cate she takes turns with me putting cate to bed and being her pillow 

lunch whole wheat pita with tuna or deli meat or a big salad with grilled chicken 

i thought id live there forever one day when i was 12 my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe it rocked my stable world 

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