[tahoe-dev] CodeCon! (and can I borrow your laptop and give it back in pieces?)

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Thu Apr 16 06:51:21 PDT 2009

Hey folks:

If you are in San Francisco this weekend, come to CodeCon!


I'll be presenting Tahoe at 13:15 on Saturday, April 18.

By the way, I was originally planning to borrow an old Pentium 133  
laptop from Brian, show it operating as one of the storage servers in  
the live demo (live demos are a requirement of presentations at  
CodeCon), and then smash it to pieces with an axe.

The demo would then proceed to show how the files can still be  
accessed by using the remaining storage servers (which are also  
laptops, sitting visible on stage with me).

However, Brian can't get his P133 laptop to boot because the CMOS  
battery is dead so it can't find its hard drive at boot time.   
Hopefully he can get it to boot from cd and we can install Tahoe on it.

If that doesn't work, does anyone else have a computer which is  
powerful enough to run Tahoe, unloved enough to be sacrificed for a  
greater cause, and flimsy enough to satisfyingly splinter under assault?


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tahoe-dev at allmydata.org

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