hard to top this bullshit

silky michaelslists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 01:25:32 PDT 2008

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Peter Gutmann
<pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
> > Terrorists 'use child porn' to exchange information
> Wow, this really is the myth that never dies, only the names of the
> participants change.  This first cropped up in the mid-90s when it was being
> used by unknown foreign agents (today these would automatically be "the
> Chinese") to smuggle secrets out of US national labs, and every few years it
> crops up again with a few names changed to keep it topical.  I'm surprised it
> took this long for it to be Al Qaeda's turn.
> Prediction for the future: At some point it'll be the turn of copyright
> infringers/file sharers to be the subjects of this myth (if they haven't
> already, and I missed it).

I guess this is the obvious question/comment but I'll make it anyway:

Why would they do this? It makes not much sense, hiding illegal things
in equally illegal things.

It's like hiding marijuana inside cocaine ...

I mean I could see the point if one medium was slightly less legal
(like, say, pirated mp3's) but KP has got to be on par with terrorism

> Peter.

noon silky

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