April promo on watches

Erik Woods cypherpunks at jfet.org
Sun Jun 22 15:11:51 PDT 2008

Did you watch the last 007 flick, Casino Royale? If you did, you probably noticed that all throughout the movie, James Bond wears an spectacularly beautiful Omega watch... and he even brags about it! How would you like to be wearing that same exact model watch? The good news is that YOU can! Because now, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to sport an Omega watch! When you visit Diamond Replicas, you will be able to browse through dozens of Omega replica watches, and pick the one of your dreams for just a couple of hundred dollars. Our watches are of such undeniably high quality, and offer such superior performance, that you'll fall in love with them, and what's best: stay in love with them for years to come! Come inside Diamond Replicas and pick your new Omega today!

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