UK: papers please

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Thu Dec 18 11:49:32 PST 2008

In the US and elsewhere, any local "right wing" consistently comes up zero
when it comes to truly getting the whole limit-the-state's-power thing. For
them, limiting the power of the state seems to only matter when government
gets in the way of big business, and that's it.

The left does only slightly better, but almost by accident.


> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 16:45:36 +0000> From: macavity at> To:
eugen at> Subject: Re: UK: papers please> CC: cypherpunks at>
> 2008/12/8 Eugen Leitl <eugen at>:> >
ation-given-powers-to-demand-to-see-identification.html> >> > <snip>> >> >
Shadow Immigration Minister, Damian Green, added "This scheme will do nothing>
> to improve our security, may make it worse, and will certainly land the> >
tax-payer with a multi-million pound bill.> >> > "Labour should be
concentrating their efforts on things that will actually> > improve our
security, like a dedicated UK Border police force, instead of> > trying to
introduce ID cards through the back door.> >> > "Now more than ever the issue
of our basic freedoms is very important."> >> > Note the complete lack of a
commitment by his party, the Conservatives> - traditionally more right-wing
than the governing Labour party - to> do anything different.> > 'Whoever you
vote for, the government wins', etc.> > W
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