[p2p-hackers] announcing tiddly_on_tahoe v1.0

Zooko O'Whielacronx zookog at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 14:08:10 PST 2008

   [This announcement is being sent to [1]tiddlywiki at googlegroups.com,
   [2]cap-talk at mail.eros-os.org, [3]p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com, and
   [4]tahoe-dev at allmydata.com.  Please adjust follow-ups appropriately.]
   Announcing the 1.0 release of tiddly_on_tahoe!
   This is the combination of TiddlyWiki, which is a JavaScript wiki that
   runs in a web browser, with Tahoe-LAFS, which is a decentralized
   secure storage grid.
   The result of combining these two things is a "decentralized web
   app".  It looks and feels just like a web app, but it is decentralized
   like a p2p app.
   To see what one looks like and to make one for yourself, please follow
   this link -- read-only access to a copy of the tiddly_on_tahoe starter
   To see one with real content in it, follow this link -- read-only
   access to my daily hacking journal:

   To edit one of these and save your changes on the Tahoe storage grid,
   follow this link -- writable access to a copy of the tiddly_on_tahoe
   starter page:
   Then change something, then click "Save Changes".
   Everyone has write access to that last one, so it may have changed by
   the time you look at it.
   For readers of [8]tiddlywiki at googlegroups.com:  Tahoe-lafs is a
   secure, decentralized storage grid.  All files are strongly encrypted
   and then split up into 10 pieces in such a way that any 3 of those
   pieces are sufficient to serve the file.  Then each of the 10 pieces
   is stored on a different server.  For more information:
   [9]http://allmydata.org .
   For readers of [10]cap-talk at mail.eros-os.org:  Please let me know what
   you think about the user interface here which is offering
   crypto-capabilities embedded into URLs.  This is an ongoing experiment
   in order to determine if crypto-caps-in-URLs work well for actual
   human use.  Please notice the "access control explanation text" at the
   top of each page.  See the appended JavaScript fragment which is the
   implementation of that explanation.
   For readers of [11]tahoe-dev at allmydata.org:  All of the URLs in this
   note point to the Tahoe Test Grid, but you can of course do the same
   thing on your own Tahoe grid, and customers of [12]allmydata.com are
   of course welcome to host their TiddlyWikis on the [13]allmydata.com
   commercial grid.
   For readers of [14]p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com:  Isn't this cool?
   Decentralized web apps!
   Thanks to FND and Eric Shulman -- Tiddly Hackers -- for teaching me
   JavaScript and Tiddly.  Thanks to Douglas Crockford for jslint.
   P.S.  A bit of JavaScript to produce the access control explanation
   if (document.location.toString().match(new RegExp(HTTPLEAD +
      wikify("This is an immutable view of this page.  Using this URL
   will always show this version of this page, even if a newer version
   has been uploaded.", place);
   } else if (document.location.toString().match(new RegExp(HTTPLEAD +
     wikify("This is a read-only view of this page.  If you share this
   URL with someone, they will be able to see the most recent version of
   this page, but not to change the page.", place);
   } else if (document.location.toString().match(new RegExp(HTTPLEAD +
     getReadonlyURLToThisPage(function (readonlyCap) {
       wikify("This is a writable view of this page.  If you share this
   URL with someone, they will be able to change this page.  Click here
   for a [[read-only view of this page|" + readonlyCap + "]].", place);
   } else {
     wikify("You are not accessing this page through the Tahoe-LAFS
   secure, distributed filesystem.", place);


   1. mailto:tiddlywiki at googlegroups.com
   2. mailto:cap-talk at mail.eros-os.org
   3. mailto:p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com
   4. mailto:tahoe-dev at allmydata.com
   5. http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI:DIR2-RO:7h7syiurogz5erc2au74tjwguu:h7bdxvjtvidlkcdbld3j2d5sbgyzsbqs7wdnu6yznqrejzssc5za/wiki.html
   6. http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI:DIR2-RO:hgvn7nhforxhfxbx3nbej53qoi:yhbnnuxl4o2hr4sxuocoi735t6lcosdin72axkrcboulfslwbfwq/wiki.html
   7. http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI%3ADIR2%3Alq5unk3sdmwqckzey573b35paa%3Azshb54dvy4jmpdxjlptn6ttm4m7awi7xf7hqtwmvjriy6ryeb7ya/wiki.html
   8. mailto:tiddlywiki at googlegroups.com
   9. http://allmydata.org/
  10. mailto:cap-talk at mail.eros-os.org
  11. mailto:tahoe-dev at allmydata.org
  12. http://allmydata.com/
  13. http://allmydata.com/
  14. mailto:p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com

p2p-hackers mailing list
p2p-hackers at lists.zooko.com

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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