A Theory of Everything

J.A. Terranson measl at mfn.org
Thu Nov 15 13:23:59 PST 2007

This is probably some kind of joke which is just *way* over my head, but I 
found it oddly interesting nonetheless.  I'd be interested in hearing from 
a numbers person on what this really represents (if anything).


J.A. Terranson

What religion, please tell me, tells you as a follower of that religion to
occupy another country and kill its people? Please tell me. Does
Christianity tell its followers to do that? Judaism, for that matter?
Islam, for that matter? What prophet tells you to send 160,000 troops to
another country, kill men, women, and children? You just can't wear your
religion on your sleeve or just go to church. You should be truthfully

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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