[Clips] Don't like ID cards? Hand over your passport

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sun Mar 11 07:03:50 PDT 2007

This could aid the development of false identities like the
spies do, lie about everything, who you are, who you work
for, where you live, who are your associates, who you hurt,
who you steal from, where you go around the world, what
laws you break around the planet, what you withhold from
overseers, with totally deceptive and legitimate-appearing 
documentation, all fully government-approved to deceive 
the enemy, indeed, the legion of enemies doing exactly the 
same thing require that absolute suspicion is necessary.

Two or more worlds, both believable and unbelievable by 
the paranoid standards of the day, with god and the
devil seeing through the pretenses of the faithful and
the unfaithful, everybody pantopicizing everybody else,
comforted in their blind faith that only they know who is
who, that nobody ever tells the full truth except under
direst of threat, that is tell the lies you want to hear,
proving your suspicion is warranted.

Liars breed liars, and that is precisely what law enforcers
desire to perpetuate their version of reality.

Nobody deceives more than those in authority, nobody
demands more that they be trusted to do the right thing
by hook or crook -- forever in the public interest and in

Well, nobody except the lowest on the totem pole, godless,
unafraid of the devil's worst, without scruple, happily
invisible, unknown, down and out. Born to spy.

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