Military-Grade Laptop Security for All

rayservers support support at
Thu Mar 1 03:08:07 PST 2007


All laptop users need privacy and computer security. Rayservers now
meets both needs with a simple out-of-the-box solution.


Military-Grade Laptop Security for All

Panama City, Panama (PRWEB) March 1, 2007 -- Today, Rayservers
introduced the next advance in [computer
security, its Secure-Out-of-the-Box laptop computers. These laptops
offer 100% encrypted hard drives and
[privacy protected internet access for safe communications.

Unlike ordinary laptops, Rayservers laptops offer unparalleled privacy
and computer security. Rayservers' computers protect users from identity
thieves, corporate spies, data vandals, extortionists and much, much worse.

Who Needs Computer Security?

Anyone can have their ordinary insecure laptop invaded from the Internet
or physically stolen. The media is full of stories about high government
officials and corporate executives who have lost their -- and OUR --
personal data when their unencrypted laptops were stolen. Even the FBI
lost 160 laptops last year.

Professionals, especially, need to take computer security seriously.
Lawyers have to preserve privileged client communications. Human rights
activists need to protect contacts living under repressive regimes.
Journalists must protect their sources and work-product. Everyone has
need for more privacy than ordinary laptops can provide.

Secure-Out-of-the-Box laptops from Rayservers are the long-needed solution.

"Companies face huge liabilities when they use insecure laptops," said
Sandy Sandfort, CEO of Rayservers. "In the UK, the Nationwide Building
Society was fined #980,000 because of a laptop that was stolen from an
employee. At Rayservers we offer security consulting, migration training
and support to help companies better comply with Sarbanes Oxley, privacy
legislation such as HIPAA and the California Privacy Act."

About Rayservers

Rayservers offers multiple, integrated computer security solutions to
protect your financial transactions and information privacy from attack.


Sandy Sandfort, CEO
+1 512 692 6133

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