AES broken?

coderman coderman at
Sat Jun 23 20:39:31 PDT 2007

On 6/22/07, Michael Silk <michaelslists at> wrote:
> i hate some doubts about this article ... it seems kind of paranoid.

was it chapter "3.6  Now get paranoid" ?

> all to do with the hamming distance? hmm. 'humanity has failed'? come on.

i'll point out that many interesting advances / attacks against
anonymity systems have come from information theory viewpoints.
ciphers and protocols tend to arise from the crypto side.

however, the practical applicability of the methods described may be
near impossible to achieve...

Perry E. Metzger: "The consensus from a few of my friends is that this paper (by
Warren Smith) is a bit eccentrically written but not obviously
flawed. Whether it is of any practical importance at all remains to be
seen -- there may be no way to apply the results."

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