U.S. Eyes Antiterror Rules for Small Jets and Boats

Sarad AV jtrjtrjtr2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 21:39:35 PDT 2007

Aren't there a zillion ways to terrorize people.
What's so special about planes and boats?

--- "R.A. Hettinga" <rah at shipwright.com> wrote:

> The New York Times
> June 16, 2007
> U.S. Eyes Antiterror Rules for Small Jets and Boats
> Correction Appended
> WASHINGTON, June 15 - Acknowledging that the nation
> remains too vulnerable
> to terrorist attack by small planes and recreational
> boats, the Department
> of Homeland Security is considering new requirements
> to allow authorities
> to identify operators and passengers in millions of
> these vehicles as they
> ply the coasts and skies.

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