ISPs providing "warrant canaries"

Jason Arnaute non_secure at
Tue May 16 06:44:39 PDT 2006

Someone wrote here in the recent past about libraries
bypassing secret warrants by updating their boards
every X days/months with a "nobody has served us a
secret warrant" type message.

I am using a new offsite storage vendor,,
which publishes what they call a "warrant canary":

Which I found interesting.

Is this what they have been called, or did they make
up the term "warrant canary" ?

How large of a grain of salt should I take this with ?
 It seems (and always did when I read of the libraries
doing it) like a reasonable idea, and their
implementation (signing the message, including a
non-forgeable date stamp) is thoughtful.

It's an interesting time we live in ...

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