[Clips] Department of Computer Security? It's a Joke

R. A. Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Fri Jan 20 13:05:39 PST 2006

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  Subject: Department of Computer Security? It's a Joke
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  Department of Computer Security? It's a Joke

  by Jeffrey Tucker

  <http://www.mises.org/story/2017>[Posted on Friday, January 20, 2006]

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  If you want to make a geek laugh derisively, suggest that responsibility
  for computer security be turned over to the government. This reaction is
  guaranteed, regardless of ideology. Everyone knows that this is not
  possible, but rarely are the implications for political economy noted.

  Now, keep in mind that geeks know that producing fabulous looking and
  acting things for the web is only part of the job. These are people who
  spend a fantastic amount of time dealing with security issues, which change
  every season, day, hour, and even minute.

  People know about viruses. Spyware and adware, meanwhile, is an incredible
  threat to people's home computers. A new computer can be slowed to a crawl
  in a few days of quick browsing without good security against hijackings.
  And a huge industry has sprung up promising solutions, some good and some
  almost as dangerous as the thing they allegedly stop. Some of these are
  free, and some quite expensive, and the typical geek must work to discover
  what's what.

  Other threats are less well known, such as the possibility that your own
  computer can be hijacked and controlled by other people who want to use it
  to store files or scan for other hijackable ports. This is mainly a threat
  faced by servers running large websiteshuge magnets for hijackings and
  hacksbut it even affects home computers.

  For example: I was recently talking to a technical administrator of a
  prestigious host of thousands of servers. He was amazed by the number of
  root-level compromises that had been taking place in recent months. The
  possible holes in people's systems are without limit. Software must be
  constantly upgraded. Even one small mistake can lead to data loss and

  He tried a little experiment. He installed a new operating system on a new
  laptop, and disabled the firewall. He then hooked it up to a non-secure
  wireless network in an urban area. The first attack came in 6 minutes. In
  12 minutes, the computer had already been hacked and was under the control
  of somebody or something else. All data on the computer was rendered
  vulnerable, available for looting or selling. In a few minutes more, it
  would have become a work station for more port scanning, denial-of-service
  attacks, or some other menacing behavior, and been added to the empire of
  servers being controlled by some of the world's smartest criminal minds.

  Not that a good firewall and secure connection are infallible solutions.
  There is always a way in for someone with high-level skills and the will to
  take the risk. To keep threats away involves the technical equivalent of
  street fights between hackers and security professionals.

  The fighters have similar skills; it's just that one group wears the blacks
  hats and one wears white hats. Some are criminals, some are saviors. The
  battle never stops. And yes, some of them change hats depending on their
  career prospects. The fight involves deploying skills that are far beyond
  what most any normal person could conceive of possessing. They can run
  circles around most computer science professors and even run-of-the-mill

  Some will rant and rave against the security holes in proprietary products
  such as those offered by Microsoft. And users of Internet Explorer would be
  likely to agree. The thing hasn't been properly updated in many years. It
  has not kept pace with the times, and so attracts web-based evil like a
  landfill attracts flies. Other products, however, are different.
  Server-level software is constantly monitored for holes, with updates sent
  out automatically and often (though not always as often as the people might

  Still, open-source advocates say that this proprietary stuff is expensive
  and dangerous. The companies don't respond soon enough to threats, and no
  one but company employees can view the underlying code. That means that
  improvements come more slowly. With open source, the world community of
  programmers have access and work constantly to improve the product. To be
  sure, hackers too have access to the same code. So here too you have a
  battle between good and evil.

  Among the good guys, there is a debate: should software holes be announced
  publicly (full disclosure) in the hope that the firms that work on open
  source will fix it before the hackers find out? But between the
  announcement and the fix, there is a gap that hackers can exploit. Perhaps
  then the hole should only be revealed to the firm or individuals who manage
  the open-source product (limited disclosure). The downside here is that the
  people responsible will lack the frantic sense of urgency that generates a
  quick hot-fix. Geeks thrive in emergencies, while non-emergencies fail to

  So the debate over security rages furiously: open source or proprietary
  code, public security announcements or quiet revelations, development or
  risk? At any one time, all solutions are being used, with bulletin boards
  filling up thousands and thousands of pages of debate based on experience.
  Ideology can play a part here but, in the end, it comes down to what works
  best. And all the while, the war continues, pushed onward by the relentless
  pace of development and progress towards better living standards.

  We haven't even touched on the war between the virus makers and the virus
  killers. The competition here is also intense. When a new virus is
  unleashed, the first firm to produce the fix wins new levels of consumer
  devotion and attention. A nothing company can become the next big thing by
  producing a fix for two or three viruses in a row, and doing it before the
  established firms get there. An established firm can lose its market edge
  in a month by failing to update its virus definitions in time. The
  difference between winners and losers in this struggle comes down to
  minutes, not days or weeks.

  In this never ending struggle, there are always tradeoffs between the pace
  of development and its security risks. No software is perfect. They all
  have bugs. But people demand development. The market never rests. We must
  all take some risk. How much is acceptable?

  Competition prevails here too. A bad choice in favor of security over
  development can leave a company eating other companies' dust. A bad choice
  in favor of development over security can lead to bankruptcy in the face of
  a high-stakes security compromise. Geek personalities reflect this
  trade-off: some develop on live servers and deploy every beta the hour it
  appears, while others test and test and prefer only the tried and true.

  All these fascinating details aside, keep in mind that the terrain on which
  these wars rage is wholly market based. The idea that any public
  bureaucracy could oversee the process is unthinkable. So let us ask the
  question again, so that the reader may join in the derisive laughter: in a
  world populated by black hats, should the government to be the sole wearer
  of the white hat?

  Actually, is there any point at all in giving a white hat to the state? It
  has no incentive to join the struggle. It lacks the calculational means to
  assess the trade-off between security and development. It lacks the
  entrepreneurial drive to produce either. The nature of the bureaucratic
  organization is to stay put, protect itself, and only move when kicked good
  and hard by political bosses.

  As for the power to do good, how can anyone guarantee that it won't quickly
  become the power to do evil? If experience is our guide, the government in
  a position of authority is more likely to be creating viruses and spyware
  rather than stop them. As for the impact of the law, I vaguely seem to
  recall some legislation passed a few years ago that made spam illegal.

  <http://www.mises.org/store/Mises-Institute-Pro-Cap-P276C0.aspx>Wear the
  blue hat: $18
  Government can't produce software that can outsmart every hacker. Not now,
  not ever. But the government can violate liberty and waste vast resources
  in the attempt.

  As important as computers have become, there are interesting implications
  here. On a day-by-day basis the security of these machines is a far bigger
  matter than the threat of terrorism. Whether we like it or not, and
  regardless of ideology, we all depend on market competition to bring us not
  only innovation but also to protect us in our dealings with information
  technology. It is not a perfect solution. It can be messy and fallible. But
  the market is strongest and best hope for security, and the alternative is

  How interesting that we have been told for, oh, some 400 years, that
  government is the agency we need to give us the security that markets
  cannot give us. There are a thousand rationales why intellectuals have
  believed this, but none of them seem very robust by comparison of the
  experience of our times.

  Jeffrey Tucker is editor of Mises.org.
  <mailto:tucker at mises.org>tucker at mises.org. Special thanks to some white
  hats who commented on this piece. You can comment on
  the <http://blog.mises.org/archives/004584.asp>blog.

  <http://www.mises.org/story/2017>[Print Friendly Page]


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  R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
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  [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
  experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at ibuc.com>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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