Ripple currency development begins

Ryan Fugger rfugger at
Thu Sep 29 02:15:42 PDT 2005

This email is going out to all who have expressed interest in the
Ripple decentralized currency project (  I hope
you are all doing well.

Since I got bogged down trying to define a protocol for communication
between hosts in a Ripple peer network, it seemed like a good idea to
go back and start with a simpler single-host prototype.  The other
developer on the project is two-thirds done the initial coding in
Python using the Django framework.

We will be developing the initial single-host version of Ripple as
proprietary software -- we don't want to allow multiple Ripple hosts
that can't talk to each other. The fully decentralized multi-host
protocol and software, if and when it is necessary, would be
appropriately free and open.  Our goal in either case is to build and
administer a commercially viable Ripple payment service.  Anyone
wishing to put some energy (or money) into the project for a share of
the venture, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help,

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Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies
FoRK mailing list

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
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