[dave at farber.net: [IP] Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations]

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 9 10:45:39 PDT 2005

A pirate radio station in the Carribean is jamming broadcasts in New 
Orleans? I find that hard to believe.

>From: Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org>
>To: cypherpunks at jfet.org
>Subject: [dave at farber.net: [IP] Radio jamming in New Orleans during  rescue 
>Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 17:39:32 +0200
>----- Forwarded message from David Farber <dave at farber.net> -----
>From: David Farber <dave at farber.net>
>Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:25:43 -0400
>To: Ip Ip <ip at v2.listbox.com>
>Subject: [IP] Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations
>X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)
>Reply-To: dave at farber.net
>Begin forwarded message:
>From: "Glenn S. Tenney CISSP CISM" <gt_IP050716 at think.org>
>Date: September 8, 2005 3:24:45 PM EDT
>To: dave at farber.net
>Subject: Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations
>I saw this... For IP if you like:
>September 2, 2005 -- Who is jamming communications in New Orleans? Ham
>radio operators are reporting that communications in and around New
>Orleans are being jammed. In addition, perplexed ham radio operators
>who were enlisted by the Federal government in 911 are not being used
>for hurricane Katrina Federal relief efforts. There is some
>misinformation circulating on the web that the jamming is the result of
>solar flares. Ham radio operators report that the flares are not the
>source of the communications jamming.  If anyone at the National
>Security Agency is aware of the source of the jamming, from direction
>finding or satellite intelligence, please discretely contact me at
>waynemadsendc at hotmail.com (from a private or temporary email account).
>In this case, the Bush administration cannot hide behind national
>security and it is the duty of every patriotic American to report such
>criminal activity to the press. Even though the information on the
>jamming may be considered classified -- it is in the public interest to
>disclose it. Also, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is
>reporting that no aircraft over New Orleans have been fired on over New
>Orleans or anywhere else in the area. Are the reports of shots being
>fired at aircraft an attempt by the Bush administration to purposely
>delay the arrival of relief to the city's homeless and dying poor? The
>neocons have turned New Orleans into Baghdad on the Mississipppi
>New Orleans: Who is jamming communications and why?
>UPDATE: We can now report that the jamming of New Orleans'
>communications is emanating from a pirate radio station in the
>Caribbean. The noise is continuous and it is jamming frequencies,
>including emergency high frequency (HF) radios, in the New Orleans
>area. The radio frequency jammers were heard last night, stopped for a
>while, and are active again today. The Pentagon must locate the
>positions of these transmitters and order the Air Force to bomb them
>However, we now have a new unconfirmed report that the culprit may be
>the Pentagon itself. The emitter is an IF (Intermediate Frequency)
>jammer that is operating south southwest of New Orleans on board a U.S.
>Navy ship, according to an anonymous source. The jamming is
>cross-spectrum and interfering with superheterodyne receiver
>components, including the emergency radios being used in New Orleans
>relief efforts. The jammed frequencies are:
>72.0MHZ   (high end of Channel 4 WWL TV New Orleans)
>45.0MHZ    (fixed mobile)
>10.245MHZ  (fixed mobile)
>10.240 Mhz   (fixed mobile)
>11.340 Mhz  (aeronautical mobile)
>233 MHZ  (fixed mobile)
>455 IF  (jammer)
>A former DoD source says the U.S. Army uses a portable jammer, known
>as WORLOCK, in Iraq and this jammer may be similar to the one that is
>jamming the emergency frequencies.
>UPDATE Sep. 3 -- A Vancouver, British Columbia Urban Search & Rescue
>Team deployed to New Orleans reported that their satellite phones were
>not working and they had to obtain other satellite phones to keep in
>touch with their headquarters and other emergency agencies in British
>There is a report on a ham radio web site that jamming is adversely
>affecting the New Orleans emergency net on 14.265 Mhz.
>If a U.S. Navy ship is, in fact, jamming New Orleans communications,
>the crew must immediately shut down the jammer and take action against
>the Commanding Officer.
>We have just learned from a journalist in Mobile that yesterday,
>Sprint blocked all cell phone calls from the Gulf Coast region to
>points north and west. Calls were permitted between Alabama,
>Mississippi, and Florida but no calls could be made to Washington, New
>York, or Los Angeles
>September 5, 2005 ...
>Meanwhile, the communications jamming in the New Orleans area
>continues. It is now being reported by  truck drivers on
>Interstate-10 as affecting the Citizens' Band (CB) frequencies.
>You are subscribed as eugen at leitl.org
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>----- End forwarded message -----
>Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
>ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.leitl.org
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