google maps and latitude, longitude

Justin justin-cypherpunks at
Sun May 29 12:56:43 PDT 2005

For anyone who doesn't already know, there are several ways to get
google maps to display a latitude/longitude.

You can enter them in the query box like so:

35.5N 115.5W
(I think they added those within the last week or two.)

Or you can use the original method, a GET-style form (I don't know
whether POST works):

    <form id="gooform" action="" method="get"
style="margin: 2px;">
      <input type="text" value="" name="q" size="30" maxlength="512" />
      (lat,long <input type="text" value="33.835,-116.99" name="ll"
size="14" />)
      (span <input type="text" value=".001,.001" name="spn" size="9" />)
      (type <input type="text" value="k" name="t" size="1" />)
      <input type="submit" value="Go" />

which translates into

Unable to correct the source of the indignity to the Negro, [the Phoenix,
AZ public accommodations law prohibiting racial discrimination] redresses
the situation by placing a separate indignity on the proprietor. ... The
unwanted customer and the disliked proprietor are left glowering at one
another across the lunch counter.  -William "Strom" Rehnquist, 1964-06-15

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