Private Homes may be taken for public good

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Thu Jun 30 09:52:31 PDT 2005

Well, James Dobson (right wing Christian evangelical) is targeting some of 
these same judges, so I don't think the Democrat & Republican division 
you're pointing to here is all that valid. In other words, some of those 
same judges are hated by the right.


>From: "James A. Donald" <jamesd at>
>To: cypherpunks at, Bill Stewart <bill.stewart at>
>Subject: Re: Private Homes may be taken for public good
>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 13:09:31 -0700
>     --
> > Bush's favorite judges are radical activists when it
> > comes to interference with most civil rights
>For the most part, it was conservative judges, judes
>hated by the democrats with insane extravagance, that
>voted for against this decision.
>Bush's favorite judge is probably Thomas, who voted
>against this decision.
>     --digsig
>          James A. Donald
>      6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>      OATUYUUD6X16QdQnFd2ZgGItmw0TrkkNoR5SYYAZ
>      4HZTgkPgkgTwPSGrDGUeYo6QjGZU5psCanKPMN479

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