Modifed IRS 1040 form

Nostra2004 at Nostra2004 at
Tue Apr 12 11:42:19 PDT 2005

Slightly IRS forms that enable filers to legally (according to Sullivan vs. U.S. and subsequent Supreme Court rulings), and innocously, assert their 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination on a line-item basis have been posted to

To use this form simply place a check mark ONLY in any field(s) for which you wish to assert your 5th Amendment right.

Rapidshare's UI is a bit confusing.  After you go to the URL provided you'll see a table at the bottom of the page listing the features of the FREE and PREMIUM download types.  If you click on the 'Free" button at the bottom of the page you'll be taken to to a download 'staging' page.  Scroll to the bottom and you see info, including a countdown timer that queues their downloads.  After 30-45 seconds the timer will expire and you'll be offered the real download link.

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