Donald's Job Description

R.A. Hettinga rah at
Wed Oct 27 18:52:47 PDT 2004

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At 6:14 PM -0700 10/27/04, Bill Stewart wrote:
>Kerry's a content-free stuffed shirt

*I* coulda told you that. I'm from Massachusetts.

Here's what I wrote about the War Hero (2.0) on another list:

>A guy just like, say, John Kerry, back-door preppie turned
>social-climber turned military opportunist medal-fabricator turned
>communist (Viet Cong) turned dishonorably discharged gigolo ($300
>million) turned Democratic ward-heelling coatholder turned Dukakis
>snot-wipe turned Kennedy snot-wipe turned car-living beer-bummer
>turned "Liveshot" camera-hog turned gigolo (just south of a billion)
>turned crocodile-teared POW-sop turned communist (Sandinista) turned
>do-nothing Senator, whose accent went from Yiddish to Brahamin to
>Southie Irish to middle-america received pronounciation to
>(apparently last week) redneck "get me a huntin' license", all of
>which, just like his opinion on any issue you could name, turned on
>a dime to give you nine cents change, depending on who he was
>to at the time.

In the immortal words of Mr. Parker, Kerry's a pussy who's so full of
shit he might as well be an asshole.

In a lot of ways, he's just Dukakis, stretched out on the Marxist
rack, only his voice got lower.

>who no longer has the guts
>that he had during his anti-war days

Sorry. Even then, he was a pussy. He had Karl Marx and Uncle Ho
shoved so far into both lower orifices he had sticky fluid coming out
all of his *upper* ones...

In the meantime, Bill, I um, feel your pain. He's *my* senator. And
the *liberal* one, too.


Version: PGP 8.0.3


R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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