US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

J.A. Terranson measl at
Mon Oct 25 02:57:57 PDT 2004

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

> James A. Donald:
> > > Bin Laden's intent was to make anyone in America afraid -
> > > thus the use of airliners, rather than truck bombs.
> > > McViegh's intent was to make BATF afraid.
> J.A. Terranson:
> > This is idiotic.  You're claiming that the definition of
> > "terrorist" is dependent not on the act, but on why the act
> > was committed.
> Analogously, the definition of "murderer" depends on why the
> act was committed.
> > So if I was to go out tomorrow and spread 2000 curies of Ci
> > into the local subway system "As payback for Ruby Ridge",
> > this would not be an act of terrorism?
> That would be terrorism, because regardless of what you *said*
> your intent was, you would not be targeting those responsible
> for Ruby Ridge.

And if the station I chose just happened to be the one servicing ATF?


J.A. Terranson
sysadmin at

	"An ill wind is stalking
	while evil stars whir
	and all the gold apples
	go bad to the core"

	S. Plath, Temper of Time

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