the new Keyser Sose (was Re: "Do androids dream of electric camels?")

R.A. Hettinga rah at
Wed Nov 3 14:45:37 PST 2004

At 8:34 PM +0000 11/3/04, POPBITCH wrote:
>        >> Hardline Honeyz 2 <<
>        Al Zarqawi: the unusual suspect
>    Mysterious Jordanian celebrity executioner Abu
>    Musab Al Zarqawi is a huge hit with lovers of
>    Hardline Honeyz. With a $25m price tag on his
>    head, al Zarqawi shot to fame as the star of
>    "Sheik Abu Musab Al Zarqawi slaughters an
>    American infidel with his own hands", a video
>    showing the death of Iraq hostage Nicholas Berg.
>    But is Al Zarqawi for real?
>    A Jordanian of that name did fight in Afganistan
>    in the 80s and in Kurdish Iraq in the 90s,
>    with a group called Ansar al-Islam, but no more
>    was heard of him until Colin Powell's famous
>    warmongering speech to the UN named him as the
>    link between Saddam and Osama. Since then Al
>    Zarqawi has become a mythic bogeyman blamed for
>    almost every real or imagined terrorist threat.
>    *Suddenly he was al-Qaeda's bioterrorism expert
>    and head of terror camps in Saddam-era Iraq; he'd
>    never previously been linked to either.
>    * US intelligence experts say Berg's executioner
>    clearly didn't have a Jordanian accent.
>    * Iraqi insurgents claimed Al Zarqawi was dead,
>    and all new captured operatives from Ansar
>    al-Islam say they've never laid eyes on him.
>    * CIA said he only had one leg after an operation
>    in Baghdad, but since the executioner in the
>    video clearly had two they now say, er, he has
>    two after all.
>    So... Al Zarqawi: he's the new Keyser Sose.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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