Everything you never wanted to know about the UK ID card

Dave Howe DaveHowe at gmx.co.uk
Thu May 6 03:02:50 PDT 2004

R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>. And employee checks? Here comes the
> stick. Employers don't at the moment have to check immigration status
> when they hire someone, so why would they? Indeed, why would they
> care? But under the provisions of the Asylum and Immigration Act
> 1996 the secretary of state can make orders requiring eligibility
> checks by employers. This  will be considered "closer to the
> date of implementation" of the ID card scheme.
Slightly out of date then - they have *already* forced this though. check
out this piece for further info:

oddly, I can't find any (recent) enabling legislation for this (or commons
debate), so it could simply be that way because they have decided it will

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