Fwd: Re: Don't Panic - Not All Jobs Are Headed Overseas

sunder sunder at sunder.net
Wed Mar 3 10:24:14 PST 2004

R. A. Hettinga wrote:

> Any keyboard job can be shipped overseas, including engineering (CAD),
> XRAY and MRI analysis/interpretation.

If you really think about CEO, CFO, CIO jobs can >ALL< be exported to India 
, and there won't be anything to stop the boards of major companies from 
doing that.

India's not even the end all of outsourcing - there's nothing special about 
India that some other third-world country couldn't do at lower prices once 
enough of their populous is trained to speak almost accent free English and 
to pretend their names are "Joan Sanchez from Ohio"...  Once there is cheap 
labor, cheap telepresence with enough bandwidth to do the job, even a boat 
parked 30 miles off the muddy shores of East Elbonia would work.  The 
occasional air trip would be needed to slap skin with a few people here and 
there, but  it's not always required...

After all, the CEO usually reports to the board and is working for the 
board's best interests, not necessarily for the company's best interests.

Most of the .com's I've worked at, the CEO was hired to do one single 
thing: pump up the image of the company to make it look like a big jucy 
steak when it was all crap internally, then sell the turd off to a sucker. 
  This of course results in the immediate job loss of 90% of the employees, 

(That of course isn't the case where the CEO is a founder and has reasons 
other than stock price to run the company.)

Ok, that's a wet dream I suppose... but there's very little reason why 
those jobs can't be outsourced.  Toward the end of the dot bomb era, there 
were a few companies offering part time temporary Cxx's for a fee because 
it was hard for the .com's to find brand name well known CEO's, etc.  So if 
they can be bought by the hour part time, (cultural, accent issues aside) 
no reason that they have to be physically in the US.

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