Vote changing gizmos (paid for by feds)

Major Variola (ret) mv at
Wed Mar 3 10:32:28 PST 2004

At 09:54 PM 3/2/04 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

>From: Tim May <timcmay at>

>Or enter a voting place with a "gizmo" and aim it at the electronic
>polling stations. Turn to the little old biddies who run our polling
>places and smile. If they ask what you just did, tell them "I just
>changed the votes. Have a nice day!" Leave before they can call the

..slow exhale.. thanks for the hit, Bob, that's the good shit.. I miss

Of course, the e-election rubes contribute to the vote changing too:

Glitches Hinder Casting of Votes
Problems with new electronic systems in Orange and San Diego counties
frustrate voters. Officials call the harm minimal.

Problems with new electronic voting systems caused some Orange County
residents to vote in the wrong district elections Tuesday and prevented
San Diego County voters from casting any ballot at all.,1,3468893.story?coll=la-headlines-california

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