Announcing a new cypherpunks node:

Riad S. Wahby rsw at
Thu Jan 22 15:55:37 PST 2004


I recently posted saying I'd be starting a new cypherpunks node; it's
now (close to) fully operational.

Since LNE's policies were very popular and yielded an extremely high
SNR, I've decided to replicate them more or less exactly.  Thus:

- everything is passed on to other nodes
- posting is only allowed from addresses subscribed to one of the
  CDRs, or from almost all of the well-known anonymous remailers.
  PGP messages, messages with Hashcash, and things that look like
  replies to current threads are also allowed.  I've also gone back
  through the LNE archives and pulled out addresses of "known good"
  users from 2002-2003.
- you can email me to request that I manually add an address to the
  allowed posters list
- "CDR" is removed from the subject line
- "reply-to" header is removed
- MIME attachments are removed

To subscribe, send "subscribe" to cypherpunks-request at
The list entry point is cypherpunks at

Current list operators, please add cypherpunks at to your
backbone feed.  In addition, if you could set up a cron job to send
your user list to me, that would be great; please send the output of
the Majordomo "who" command to cpunk-users at (or,
alternatively, if you allow public access to the who command, let me
know and I'll set it up on my end).  Finally, please email me if you'd
like me to send my user list to you.

I think this takes care of everything, but if I've left anything out
please let me know.

Riad Wahby
rsw at
MIT VI-2 M.Eng

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