WiFi Repeater?

Thomas Shaddack shaddack at ns.arachne.cz
Tue Jan 6 12:07:55 PST 2004

I can't be considered an expert on this technology, so probably there is
another, much simpler solution.

The first idea (and so far the only one) I got is to use a pair of
wireless access points, eg, DWL-900AP+ ones (the only ones I have
experience with so far); if I'd have a pair of these, I'd configure one to
access the hotspot, and connect it by a crossover Ethernet cable with the
other one, configured to be on another channel and use WEP and to be
accessible only by you.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

> I'm thinking about a WiFi repeater...
> Imagine I work on a high floor in an office tower, but I know that very
> nearby, on the ground floor, there's a public WiFi hotspot.
> Now let's say I want to be able to access that hotspot, but I'm currently
> out of range due to the height.
> DOES THERE EXIST something like a WiFi "repeater", which will allow me to
> "reach" that public WiFi spot without my being within 200 feet or so? (I
> deploying one or more repeaters throughout our offices so that I can reach
> the public hotspot.)
> Of course, it's also better if that repeater masks who I am to the real
> hotspot, and terminates encryption on both sides. But of course, I don't
> want it to cost a ton, and I probably don't want anyone else to be able to
> use it either.
> One nice application of this is to be able to regularly send messages from
> this public spot, but without anyone every actually seeing me. And if the
> "last" repeater is in these (private) offices somewhere, it's doubtful
> anyone would ever be able to tell that this is occurring.
> Or so I believe...
> -TD
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