So many statists...uh, who gives a crap?

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Sat Jan 3 18:04:36 PST 2004

Tim May wrote...

"I assume they figured that since they were using PGP to communicate with 
their fellow anti-capitalists, that crypto must be cool"

Here's the question Tyler Durden has for you.

Which is more important...annhiliation of the state, or getting a bunch of 
list subscribers to agree that annhiation of the state is a good thing?

You yourself have claimed to be something of a "techno determinist". In 
other words, you've made a good case that Strong crypto will eventually lead 
to collapse of the state...people's BELIEF about the implications of strong 
crypto are largely irrelevant.

"Eurotrash", "New York Collectivists" and so on should be given nice, big 
fat pat on the backs, so long as this will encourage proliferation of strong 
crypto. Who gives a crap what people BELIEVE?

In fact, I'd argue that, if your beliefs prove to be correct, then "making 
people see the implications of strong crypto" is ultimately probably a bad 
thing...not everyone wants to wreck the state. Some people WANT to be able 
to boss others around (or at least want someone else to be doing this). 
Hell, probably most human beings in 2003 are in this category.


Me? I like the Protestant reformation analogy: I'm not convinced strong 
crypto will necessarily lead to destruction of the state, just like the 
reformation didn't lead to destruction of the Catholic church. However, in 
the long run, whatever emerges has got to be better than what we've got 

>From: Tim May <timcmay at>
>To: cypherpunks at
>Subject: So many statists
>Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 16:06:35 -0800
>On Jan 3, 2004, at 3:01 PM, bgt wrote:
>>(Jeez, I just recently got back onto this list after a several-year
>>hiatus.  How the hell did so many statists ever get the idea that
>>ubiquitous cryptography would ever further their goals?  Or are they
>>just here to distract us with statism vs liberty type political
>>debates so we can't get any real work done??)
>Most of those now posting (and maybe most of those subscribed, but I am 
>only speculating) are various eurotrash lefties and anti-globalist 
>activists who decided that "crypto is cool" after their anti-corporate, 
>anti-choice rallies in Seattle, Milano, and other cities shut down by the 
>Yippie marches and barricades. I assume they figured that since they were 
>using PGP to communicate with their fellow anti-capitalists, that crypto 
>must be cool (I'm not sure if they favor the negro term, "bad," or the 
>traditional term, "good," so I'll use the term of my generation, "cool.")
>Are they confused? Yep.
>Welcome to the Gen X and Gen Y (and soon) the Gen Z world. Crypto be bad, 
>dog! This nigga be bouncin'!
>I'm actually glad to see that Cypherpunks nodes are winding down, that we 
>no longer have monthly meetings, and that the Movement is ending. Better 
>that than to see it hijacked by the eurotrash lefties, New York 
>collectivists, and anti-globalist warriors against free trade.
>--Tim May, Corralitos, California
>Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
>perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." 
>--Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

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