Singers jailed for lyrics

Major Variola (ret) mv at
Fri Jan 2 08:33:09 PST 2004

At 08:19 PM 12/31/03 -0500, John Kelsey wrote:
>At 05:56 PM 12/30/03 -0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>>If I were a neocon asshole, I would.  Instead, I regard liberation as
>>local task, and interfering with sovereignty as the initiation of
>>ie an act of war.
>Well, clearly bombing and invading them was an initiation of force, in
>most literal sense--we shot first.  But while I can see that
>have a right that you violate by initiating force against them, I don't
>how that can apply to governments, especially governments whose main
>of keeping power involves terrorizing their citizens.

(What, you mean like using the US police to deprive us of life, liberty,
and the
pursuit of happiness?)

My neighbors subject their offspring to a kind of abuse commonly called
religion.  Do I have a right to intercede?   They are not harming *me*.

Stay out of others family spats.  Or as Gen'l W said,
Trade with all, make treaties with none, and beware of foreign

(Mind you, as an reformed Objectivist, I do believe in absolute right
wrong; but does this give me the right to initiate force to clue you in?

When do we start bombing Berlin?)

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