International meet on cryptology in Chennai

R.A. Hettinga rah at
Mon Dec 20 10:11:02 PST 2004


Chennai Online News Service - View News

 Dec 20, 2004 Mon
International meet on cryptology in Chennai
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 Chennai, Dec 19: A three-day international conference on cryptology will
get underway here tomorrow with the aim of providing secure communication
to the business and military sectors.

Over 140 researchers in the field, including some from abroad, would
participate in the conference, Dr M S Vijyaraghavan, executive director,
Society for Electronics Transactions and Security (SETS), told reporters
here today.

Cryptography is the art of providing secure information over insecure
channels. It encodes texts and provides a method of decoding. Cryptanalysis
is the art of breaking into cryptographic information.

The new science - cryptology - was a study of both, he said.

India had not made any headway in cryptology, he said and added that the
conference would help develop this in a big way.

President A P J Abdul Kalam would address the participants through video
conferencing. Dr R Chidambaram, principal scientific adviser, Government of
India, would inaugurate the conference. (Our Correspondent)

Published: Sunday, December 19, 2004

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
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