Steve Thompson

John Young jya at
Tue Dec 14 21:01:25 PST 2004

One of the earliest lessons learned on cypherpunks is to
post pseudonymously in several disguises, saving one
nym for really trustworthy comments. The credibility of
that No. 1 nym is slowly built by attacking it yourself and
either mounting impressive defenses, bribing others to
defend it, making a fool of yourself when you get your
nyms confused and use the wrong grammar and syntax
and forwardings and remailings and backtrackings and
oops sorry I sent that private mail to the list, and 
coca-cola noseblowing, and indignant unsubbing,
resubbing to send nastygrams to those who pilloried
and ridiculed you while you covertly lurked to see if
anybody gave a damn about your worthless existence
and superficial, apish ideas.

Getting soundly trashed is an honor among net trash
haulers, so pay your dues and shit on yourself from
multitudes of personas, it's what the founders did and

Nobody leaves cypherpunks, nobody gets in. You claim
an identity you a lying ignorant sumbitch addicted to

None of this applies to real people out there, lost in

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