yes, they look for stego, as a "Hacker Tool"

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Sat Aug 14 09:08:12 PDT 2004

>Sorta like the National Forests... resource of many uses... may as well
>include a mixmaster payload in that worm :-) which also provides some
>overt free benefit like antivirus or anti-helmetic or defrag or game or
>bayesian spamfilter
>or chat or screensaver or anon remailing client or free ringtone :-)"

Well, shit there's an idea. Particularly if the virus is benign enough not 
to get noticed too often.
A mini-mixmaster is a particularly wonderful idea, if you could get it to fact, imagine a mixmaster network where each node only exists for 
a short amount of time. Your P2P ID messages for the mixmaster network 
should be invisible to users of the ostensible services of course.


>From: "Major Variola (ret)" <mv at>
>To: "cypherpunks at" <cypherpunks at>
>Subject: Re: yes, they look for stego, as a "Hacker Tool"
>Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 20:14:19 -0700
>At 01:48 AM 8/14/04 +0200, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> >Then you have
> >the forest where every tree is marked and the leprechaun is laughing.
>Love that story.  But the self-watermarking you later mention is a
>Even if you map a particular hash into one of a million known-benign
>values, which takes work, there are multiple orthagonal hash algorithms
>included on the NIST CD.  (Eg good luck finding values that collide in
>MD5 & SHA-1 & SHA-256 simultaneously!)
> >> These hash-CDROMs are also useful for finding unlicensed software and
> >> music....
> >
> >Another reason for making your data unique.
>In that case, yes, although ultimately the RIAA could hire offshore
>Indians to listen
>to your stego'd/uniquified Madonna song and identify it.  (Of course,
>they don't
>know if you own the vinyl for it... and software can be sold by the
>original purchaser, too, right?)
> >> And keep your tools encrypted, or on memory sticks you can flush or
> >> snap with your fingers.
> >
> >Beware of destruction of memory sticks
>Yes something like a Tomlinson (_Big Breach_) sleight of hand with a
>card is a good idea, as is the microwave oven trash can next to your
>machine :-)
> >A neat trick to lower the suspicion-factor for stego in JPEG or video
> >could be releasing a closed-source program for Windows as either
> >... and there still is a segment of consumers who think that
> >when it is free, it's worthless)
>And a larger segment which will stick any CD they get in the mail into
>bootable drive.. LOL
> >The sheeple don't have to be only a threat. They can be useful, if
> >gullibility is properly exploited.
>Sorta like the National Forests... resource of many uses... may as well
>include a mixmaster payload in that worm :-) which also provides some
>overt free benefit like antivirus or anti-helmetic or defrag or game or
>bayesian spamfilter
>or chat or screensaver or anon remailing client or free ringtone :-)

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