BBC on all-electronic Indian elections

Damian Gerow dgerow at
Mon Apr 26 09:00:27 PDT 2004

Thus spake sunder (sunder at [26/04/04 11:31]:
: What do you expect when the previous choice we've had was between Al "I 
: Invented the Innnernet" Gore, and George "Nucular" Dubbya?

Actually, Mr. Gore didn't once claim to invent the Internet.  Through
various mis-wordings and lax fact-checkings, the Mass Media came to
represent what he said through that phrase.

What he /actually/ claimed (and what he /actually/ did) was recognize its
importance, and then push for funding, in the 1980's.  So he didn't 'invent'
the Internet, he helped provide the funding for its inventors.

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