BBC: File-sharing to bypass censorship

Eric Cordian emc at
Sun Apr 11 12:41:03 PDT 2004

Eugen Leitl pastes:

> File-sharing to bypass censorship

> By Tracey Logan 
> BBC Go Digital presenter

> If there's material that everyone agrees is wicked, like child pornography,
> then it's possible to track it down and close it down 

> Ross Anderson, Cambridge University

I think the problem here is that material which John Ashcroft, Jerry
Falwell, and Pat Robertson think is wicked, may not be what Ross Anderson
or I think is wicked.  After all, to some people Howard Stern is
disgusting and obscene.  To others, he is merely witty and slightly

> Prof Anderson believes those fears are overstated. He argued that web 
> watchdogs like the Internet Watch Foundation, which monitors internet-based 
> child abuse, would provide the necessary policing functions.

Well, it's good to know Professor Anderson values the opinion of an
organization that won't even use the term "child pornography" to refer to
the things that offend Ashcroft, Falwell, and Robertson, but demands
everyone use terms like "pictures of children being abused" and "child
abuse pictures."

As those who flog the Sex Abuse Agenda are well aware, 90% of successful
propaganda is owning the vocabulary.  I am reminded of the changing of the
term "statutory rape" to "child rape" a few years ago, which I am sure we
will all agree is a less than accurate description of a 20 year old who
has consensual sex with a streetwise 17 year old crack whore.

I think Hakin Bey's suggestion that plastering pictures of naked children 
everywhere is a great form of political theatre has merit.  All the right 
wing crackpots will have to hide in their homes to avoid having strokes, 
and the well-balanced representatives of the Forces of Reason can finally 
live their lives in peace and quiet. 

Perhaps we can have Public Service Announcements by the Coalition for a 
Prude-Free AmeriKKKa.

"This is Timmy.  This is TImmy's cock.  This is Timmy's cock in Billy's 
mouth.  Any questions?"

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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