Meshing costs (Re: Hierarchy, Force Monopoly, and Geodesic Societies)

Anonymous cripto at
Sat Apr 10 01:16:55 PDT 2004

Tyler Durden wrote:

> RAH wrote...
> >Only if they pay me cash
> few miles. If I'm a router, I'm also sending that info behind me (which is 
> routing I'm paying for basically), but I will understand that the reason I 
> am getting my telemetry is precisely because there's a string of "me's" in 
> the cars in front of me, routing info down to me. If I insist on getting 
> paid, so will they, and the whole thing breaks down.
> Actually, this reminds me of the prisoner's dilemma. I remember (I think) 
> Hofstaedter doing an interesting analysis that showed that smart 
> 'criminals' will eventually realize that it pays to cooperate, even if that 
> doesn't optimise one's chances in this particular instance.

Myerson, 0674341163 (not to bash Osborne/Rubinstein which I'm sure is good)
Fagin/Halpern, 0262562006 (I know of no book like it)
Olson, 0674537513 (that's Mancur Olson)

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