Hierarchy, Force Monopoly, and Geodesic Societies

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Thu Apr 8 16:43:07 PDT 2004

At 03:29 PM 4/8/04 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>At 11:28 AM -0700 4/8/04, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>>Geodesic means shortest path, and you'll note if you play with
>>tracert that the shortest path (as seen on Earth's surface) is rarely
>Measure the path in time?

Yeah, some dead french dude IIRC pointed out that light takes the
quickest route
through a lens.  Light and time being rather intimate if you believe

OTOH a packet takes a route that depends on business
practices, etc, and isn't generally optimal.

In any case you're a lot more readable if one global replaces 'geodesic'

with 'well-connected' or glibly 'wired'.
Feel free to ignore any constructive hints of course :-) your prose is
identifying than your pk sig.

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