Research Shows Explosives Remain Part Of Human Hair

Steve Schear s.schear at
Thu Apr 8 11:15:11 PDT 2004

At 10:08 AM 4/8/2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>And McVeigh used ammonium nitrate which wasn't tested, and as a
>highly soluable (in fact deliquescent) inorganic it probably won't
>persist like a nitrated organic.  Also common as dirt in agville.

He also added nitromethane to the mix, obtained through the common auto 
racing channels.

>Nothing like dropping a little Miracle Gro in the men's room at the
>airport to
>keep the mass spec goon awake :-)
>Note that if hair is collected they've got your DNA too.

Wonder if screeners will insist on taking a sample of hair from other body 
areas if you are bald?


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