"Spin State" cyberpunk?

Freematt357 at aol.com Freematt357 at aol.com
Mon Sep 22 14:05:13 PDT 2003

On page 61 of the November issue of Analog there is an ad for the book, "Spin 
State" by Chris Moriarty (www.bantamdell.com). The book is alleged to be "A 
thrilling high-end upgrade of cyberpunk."  Has anybody read it?

Of some suspicion is Brin's recommendation "Science fiction for grownups who 
want some 'wow' with their 'what-if.'"

The ad writes about the book;  "UN Peacekeeper Major Catherine Li is hiding 
secrets about her past. And in a post-human universe of emergent AIs, genetic 
constructs, and illegal wetware, one misstep in her hunt for a killer could 
literally blow her mind."

If anybody has the read the book or knows if the book is pro-freedom please 
let me know.

Regards,  Matt Gaylor-

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